How to avoid asking redundant questions🔗

If your questions depend on each other, and some only make sense based on certain prior answers, make sure that you only ask the follow-up question if it will apply to that participant. Also, make sure to apply any relevant coding.

Good redundancy avoidance example🔗

Here's a good example of how to avoid asking redundant questions (by making some questions conditional on previous answers):

-- default these to 0, and change them if they do have children under these ages
>> numberChildenUnder12 = 0
>> numberChildenUnder18 = 0

*question: Do you have any children?
		*question: How many children do you have that are under the age of 18?
			*tip: type 0 if the answer is that you have no children under 18
			*type: number
			*after: children under 18
			*save: numberChildenUnder18

		*if: numberChildenUnder18 > 0
			*question: How many children do you have that are under the age of 12?
				*tip: type 0 if the answer is that you have no children under 12
				*type: number
				*after: children under 12
				*save: numberChildenUnder12


Bad redundancy avoidance example🔗

Here's a bad example of redundant questions that fail to make some questions conditional on the responses to others:

*question: Do you have any children?

*question: How many children do you have that are under the age of 12?
	*type: number
	*after: children under 12
	*save: numberChildenUnder12

*question: How many children do you have that are under the age of 18?
	*type: number
	*after: children under 18
	*save: numberChildenUnder18

In the above example, a participant who said "no" to the first question will still be asked two further (and now completely redundant) questions about how many children they have in different age groups. (And the third question will also be redundant for anyone who answers "yes" to the first question but "no" to the second.)
